

Our Curriculum Intent

For children to:

  • be engaged, inspired and challenged;
  • develop a love of learning, and for some a special passion for music
  • study key pieces of music, including different styles, and those from different countries and from different periods of history;
  • be equipped with knowledge and skills to experiment and create their own compositions;
  • learn how to think critically, evaluate and improve their own compositions;
  • know about great musicians and understand the historical and cultural developments of their music.




We teach children to sing and play musically with increasing confidence and control. In addition, we develop their understanding of musical composition, manipulating ideas within musical structures and developing their aural memory skills.

  • We perform in solo and ensemble contexts, using the voice and various instruments with accuracy, fluency, control and expression.
  • We improvise and compose music as a team using the inter-related dimensions of music.
  • We develop our aural memory skills and learn to understand staff and other musical notations.
  • We reference recorded music drawn from different traditions and from great composers and musicians thus developing an understanding of the history of music.

In Year 3, we use a specialist teacher from Bromley Youth Music Trust (BYMT) so that children have the opportunity to learn the recorder. In Year 4-6, curriculum lessons are taught by class teachers using the Kapow scheme of work.

Music Development Plan

Music Progression Overview