Travel Explorer Ambassadors

Travel Explorer Ambassadors (previously Junior Travel Ambassadors)

Our Travel Explorer Ambassadors (TEAs) are a small group of enthusiastic pupils who represent the ‘pupil voice’ in all matters relating to road safety and transport.  The role of a TEA is to encourage a greener approach to transport and try to support initiatives to promote walking, biking or scooting to school wherever possible.

The Travel Explorer Ambassador scheme is run by Transport for London. The children meet regularly to share ideas and opinions. They promote a variety of road safety competitions throughout the year, and organise prizes for winning entries.


The Aims of AJS’ Travel Explorer Ambassadors

  • To encourage friends and fellow pupils to walk to school
  • To make sure the pupils of our school are safe on the roads
  • To raise awareness of road safety


WOW – The Walk to School Challenge

Wow is a pupil-led initiative where children self-report how they get to school every day using the interactive WOW Travel Tracker. If they travel sustainably (walk/wheel, cycle or scoot) at least once a week for a month, they get rewarded with a WOW badge; our TEAs are responsible for allocating and delivering the badges to classes each month.

Every week the class with the most active travel is presented with the Walk to School Trophy, presented by our TEAs.

Each year, the collectable WOW badges are designed by pupils in a national, annual badge competition. Our TEAs are responsible for promoting and judging entries to this competition.

On average WOW schools see a 30% reduction in car journeys taken to school and a 23% increase in walking rates.


Gold STARS Award

We are proud to have been actively involved in promoting a number of initiatives over the years which has led to us achieving the Gold STARS Award. This is an award through TfL's accreditation scheme for London schools and nurseries, inspiring young Londoners to travel to school sustainably, actively, responsibly and safely by championing walking, scooting and cycling.